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I love this game!


We need more beautiful demons. I really like the demon of lust.

Игра отличная, но сразитесь с боссом еще раз, после победы над демоном похоти, мне снова захотелось победить эту демоницу


You need to improve this game for sure.Waiting for updates.


Hi me again back after all this time, I was playing and I had a great idea- alternate outfits based on each domain/boss maybe as a reward for beating a boss without taking damage or for donating.


Maybe a color swap would be doable, but I'll probably leave that for the end. Lots of people have already suggested something like this.


A color swap that affects her clothes, skin, eyes, hair, wings, and horns would be cool too.

I was gonna wonder if you can remind me when the full games is out so I can play it fully! I didn't do Lust yet because I was gonna wait for full game..   

That's probably gonna be one heck of a wait ngl ^^'


still a good game though! O▽O

will there more weight gain stages?

I've added one more set of weight stages and probably will be adding more in the future. ^^


will this game appear in the steam?

Haven't thought of doing so, and also I've never used steam for platforming stuff before but to be seen.


Just beat Lust, very fun fight! Only suggestion I have is that  you should add the bosses to the gallery once you beat them. You can't replay the fight, and you're too busy dodging the bullets to actually get a good look at them and their animations.

I've been getting a lot of requests to add those to the gallery as well as the cutscenes. Guess I'll get to it once the new enemy type is done.

(1 edit) (-1)

What is in this new update?

(the one today)

New Lust Domain Levels, NPCs and a new weight tier with unique animations.


Is there a debug or cheat mode?

Not yet but that is something I can look into making.

How do I transer save from old version to newer one?


Unfortunately you can't atm because the save data format had to be changed. But this point forward progress should carry over.


Ahh oks then not a problem just thought id ask, I dont mind going back through it again :)


I love the entire game.

In story in particular, I love the progression the npcs have as you progress stages.

Golpert stop teasing me with what happens after I swear, I'm gonna have to change pants...

Really, the npcs are adding so much life to everything, and the mc's personality entertains me.

How do I download???




Is there a way to fight Pride again after beating her?


You can reset the save file from the main menu. I haven't implemented a boss replay feature. Once everything else is done perhaps I can get started on a boss rush game mode, but that'd be in the far future if at all.



can you please add sodas for luna to drink and make her than expad? btw keep up the game its pretty good have to say and one more thing, when luna says "want to have a taste?" can you please make animation like defeating pride so i can see gluttony drink lunas milk? thank you!

how do i get to the other layers? i beat pride

That's the only stage that's complete atm. I'll be adding another stage as soon as the NPCs are done.


when a new public update is coming out?

Still working on it. My PC got into some issues and the cutscenes taking a while to make. Also need to start work on the NPCs as soon as the animations done.

after first boss, theres a bug that stops your moves, even ESC key doesn't work

That's strange never encountered this kind of bug before.

Reading Player.log, seems to be a fairly basic scripting error. Don't trust that playing a video will always work, always have a fallback.

WindowsVideoMedia error 0x800700ea while reading .../Glut-Tonne Demon/Glut-Tonne Demon_Data/sharedassets11.resource

Context: CreateObjectFromByteStream

Error details: More data is available.

Says this kind of error usually happens due to windows defender or some other antivirus corrupting/deleting files. I've heard that before, the solution would be to just re-download with antivirus off or something

No wrong files, checksum verifies. Weird Windows Video state. Some videos work, some glitch, some never play. This is the not working case.


I am glad you first made a good game, then started on the story mode. Plus it's an interesting take on vore games that I haven't seen done well before.

As it happens I have now seen it done VERY well. Every time I've taken damage it's because I made a mistake.

The simplicity of the animations I have seen so far in the free version gives it a unique style as well. I'm very happy to support you when I next get paid and hope you don't overwork yourself.

TL;DR: Love the game! Proud of you

Thank you so much! I'm glad the hard work paid off because I've always wanted a vore game that has fully animated hand drawn sprites and an engaging gameplay loop. The game will always remain free even when it's done, early builds are for patrons though.

Hope to keep adding more to the game and see it through to completion! ^^

how do I go to the other levels/worlds after pride if not shore if its to come or not

Still working on it. The next boss has a lot of animations to get through so it's taking more time.

There will be more weight stages?


Definitely on the to do list. Going to take a while though, probably after I'm done with the next levels and NPCs

(2 edits) (+1)

On the first stage of pride, there are these two blocks in front of a mirror. Im not sure how to get them open(story mode)
(Nvm, realized that I have to reshoot the ball that opens the initial stage doors). 

Anyways, very cool concept, and the game is both fairly fun+actually playable. 


this is pretty fantastic from what I played. and ambitious too!!! the hand drawn animations are super charming and the gameplay is very satisfying, with the eating the enemies bit. my only complaint really is the shop upgrades were hard to understand for me, i wasn't sure if i was upgrading something or not or building my way to an upgrade. its really only a nitpick tho! im looking forward to seeing more!!!

(2 edits) (+1)

Amazing game, although I have yet to find out how to beat Pride's second phase

edit: I beat it, it took me a while to realize the mirrors surrounding pride didn't act as shields and I could just keep shooting her

second edit: I really like the game as is, with story, what could be called an "arena mode", along with endless mode, but I do wish you could replay the boss(es)

Definitely a tough fight. My advice is always to keep track of where safe openings are.


still going to make that doom clone btw

Hey just so you know I cant click on the Eka's page link because the 'external link' notice moves the whole line of text lol


How to continue after beating pride?


Working on the other domains right now. lust was voted next in line by patrons


Fun game.

- Lust Boss feels like it could use some tuning. Namely the mirrors can start attacking the player with bullets before they are vulnerable to be attacked in kind. Feels cheap when you're shooting at the mirror dead on, but your attacks pass thru while the mirror is freely able to attack you.
- It'd also be nice if there was an indication of when your attacks manage to damage the boss or get intercepted by a mirror. A sound effect, a flash of a different color, anything.
- An indicator of when the player's dash is on/off cooldown would be appreciated.
- It'd be nice there was key remapping. Or at least the defaults changed. Dash being on shift really isn't erganomic. It'd be much easier on my hands if I could use space or right click to dash.

The mirrors don't actually destroy the player bullets and the iframes were necessary so that majority of the mirrors dont just get sniped at the very start. As for key remapping, you can find it on the options menu on the main screen.

had a lot of fun with this game. looks really promising when later levels are added.

i know this is more focused on vore and wg, but would it be possible to get larger breast sprites past level 15?


love the game a lot! The Pride bossfight does feel like a difficulty spike compared to her domain; not to say I don't like the challenge in the fight, just surprising at first. I also would appreciate it more if there was a way to replay the fight (and therefore the lose animation)


New update was pretty awsome, looking forward for the next update!

So uhhhhhhhhh how the heck am I supposed to return to the hub between levels without using the menu button? Cause it seems like that should really be an option...


Yeah a lot of folks said that was an oversight. Addressing that issue by teleporting the player to the mission select between stages. It adds a few seconds of transition time between stages but seems more practical.

Ill post the updated version of the game on here soon.


Updates posted, that should hopefully cover this issue.


Pride was hard, but I enjoyed it! Might have been a little much on the difficulty, though. That second phase killed me so many times.




I think Pride Level 3 has a bug where the HUD and even the pause menu isn't being displayed at all and if you die you basically get softlocked.

Oh it must be because of another thing I was fixing today. I must've forgotten to reenable the canvas before posting. Just give me a few mins to fix and reupload. The save should work just fine if you redownload.

Thanks for the report!


Try it now. I've reenabled the canvas and playtested it too. Should be working just fine

That did it, thank you! :)

do you have a discord?

The discord is available for patrons so they get access to early builds and votes.

oh okay


I think that you could have more than two Minotaur's without being over run is if instead of them having an indestructible force field it is instead a breakable shield but once its broken you get a 4 to 3 second window before they get their shield back and also if you don't break the shield it starts to regenerate and along with this, penetration like weapon like greed can penetrate the shield doing a small or medium amount of damage to the Minotaur and doing medium or large amount of damage against the shield, also when the Minotaur rams into a wall the shield is gone for only the time they are down, And also maybe instead of only getting health when leveling up or killing a boss is instead the health is percentage based and when you get "xp" you also get a small amount of health, like one or two percent per enemy so you still have to be careful and manage your health but at the same time it makes managing health a tad bit easier and also maybe the further along in the waves the enemy's drop a give a bit more health but only a few percentiles more. But that's just my opinion, and also Really great game and i hope this project get more and more recognition and support :)

I'd much rather not change the code for the enemy now and focus on new things first but we'll see down the line. Thanks for the kind words!


thats fair and i hope to see this game shine bright, Good Luck :)

I loved the game and the art, I just found it quite difficult, do you have plans to release it for Android at some point?

Sadly no. I'd like to keep it for desktop. Porting controls for another system for a project this big is quite a task. Really glad you had fun though. Stay tuned cuz the new updates coming really soon.


No problem!!, I will continue supporting the project

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